About me

Hello, my name is Lilian. I will tell you about myself. I moved from Brazil to Europe in 2018. Since then I started a new path in learning computer programming. Although, my professional history has begun in the early 2000s. I have my first background in environmental technology; a four-year undergraduate course focused on waste treatment. Following that, a two-year post-graduation course on ecological management of municipalities. I professionally developed and assisted a series of environmental projects in a consulting company for various clients for eight years. In 2010 I turned my life, working remotely as an audio producer and editor in a studio for another period of eight years. Working from home required a high level of commitment with the new company and made it possible to acquire knowledge in managing client accounts.

Now a fresh start was in front of me once more, and I have accepted the challenge. I started in the web development trail with HTML, CSS, Javascript, general front-end, and accessibility courses. I took the CS50 Harvard online Course (Computer Science and the art of programming), being exposed to and training C programming, SQL, and Python, alongside the front end triad. I have been a student at Alura's programming school since 2019. (Certificates from Alura) I also took two courses on Coursera: Introduction to Computer Science with Python Part 1 and Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose. During this process, I have developed some projects that are available on my GitHub account.

What do I bring to the table?/ How can I be an asset?

In this new world configuration, the experience of efficiently work from home is crucial as it allows flexibility requiring a commitment to deadlines and the quality of delivery. I have fully adapted to this arrangement, meticulously maintaining the open channel to communicate with the team and organizing calendar work. At the same time, I can compromise with flexible deadlines, and I am comfortable with either Windows or macOS system command line management; I am friendly, looking forward to work and communicate, locally or remotely, in an international and multi-cultural environment. As a professional goal, it is essential to match a company that enables the opportunity to grow as a person, improving the knowledge and skills through internal and external projects. I am eager to learn, with the desire and flexibility to keep and develop a growth mindset in a global, innovative, and trusty environment.

Picture of Lilian with a computer